Project Description
Working with a local contractor through the YORBuild framework on behalf of Leeds City Council, MLJ helped to deliver 32 number one and two bedroom apartments in the Richmond Hill area of Leeds, which was the first site to be developed as part of LCC’s Council Housing Growth Programme; an ambitious program to build almost 1000 new homes in the city.
The site for the new houses replaced typical Victorian back to back dwellings that were demolished some twenty years previously along East Park Road, and provide for more spacious living accommodation centered around green amenity spaces.
The new homes were designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet current and future demand. The one-bedroom flats are large enough to be converted into two-bedroom properties if need be and vice versa. The properties also support the well being of residents through good use of space and energy efficient designs to reduce running costs to residents.
The contemporary elevational treatment of the units create an individual identity that enhances the street scene and includes sympathetic building materials that reflect the immediate surroundings.